Thursday, November 26, 2009

Migraine Headaches Signs and symptoms

Migraine Headaches Signs and symptoms

The signs and symptoms of migraine vary among patients. Therefore, what a patient experiences before, during and after an attack cannot be defined exactly. The four phases of a migraine attack listed below are common but not necessarily experienced by all migraine sufferers. Additionally, the phases experienced and the symptoms experienced during them can vary from one migraine attack to another in the same manner:

The prodrome which occurs hours or days before the headache.
The aura, which immediately precedes the headache.
The pain phase, also known as headache phase.
The postdrome.

Migraines Prevention

Preventive treatment of migraines can be an important component of migraine management. Such treatments can take many forms, including everything from taking certain drugs or nutritional supplements, to lifestyle alterations such as increased exercise and avoidance of migraine triggers.
The goals of preventive therapy are to reduce the frequency, painfulness, and/or duration of migraines, and to increase the effectiveness of abortive therapy. Another reason to pursue these goals is to avoid medication overuse headache (MOH), otherwise known as rebound headache, which is a common problem among migraneurs. This is believed to occur in part due to overuse of pain medications, and can result in chronic daily headache
Many of the preventive treatments described below are quite effective: Even with a sham treatment, one-quarter of patients find that their migraine frequency is reduced by half or more, and actual treatments often far exceed this figure

Trigger Avoidance
Gluten-free diet
Prescription drugs
Herbal and nutritional supplements
Surgical Treatments
Behavioral Treatment
alternative medicines

To know more try this

Trigger avoidance
Patients should attempt to identify and avoid factors that promote or precipitate migraine episodes. Moderation in alcohol and caffeine intake, consistency in sleep habits, and regular meals may be helpful. General dietary restriction has not been demonstrated to be an effective approach to treating migraine
However, eliminating particular foods that are known to trigger migraines in an individual can be very effective

Gluten-Free Diet
Some individuals have a condition called gluten intolerance that results in the body incorrectly processing gluten. Studies have suggested that many migraine sufferers have celiac disease, and for those who do, decreasing gluten intake may significantly reduce migraine frequency and gluten sensitivity may be an underlying cause of migraines in some patients, and a gluten-free die

Side effects
Trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine (TFMPP) is a pipezine-based drug. It is not used medicinally, but has been sold as a recreational drug used as a "legal alternative" to illicit drugs. The combination of BZP and TFMPP has been associated with a range of side effects, including insomnia, anxiety ,nausea and vomiting, headaches and muscle aches which may resemble migraine, impotence, and as well as a prolonged and unpleasant hangover effect similar to that produced by alcohol. These side effects tend to be significantly worsened when the BZP/TFMPP mix is consumed alongside alcohol, especially the headache, nausea and hangover.
However it is difficult to say how many of these side effects are produced by TFMPP itself, as it has rarely been marketed without BZP also being present, and all of the side effects mentioned are also produced by BZP

Author Jack Canfield, "Chicken Soup for the Soul", calls these techniques "unbelievable".
Instant relief for migraines, headaches, hangovers, sinus colds, stiff neck
and sore shoulders. Online streaming video treatments available for immediate

Monday, November 23, 2009

Instant Migraine Headache Relief

Migraine headache is a neurological syndrome characterized by altered bodily perceptions, severe, and headaches nausea. Physiologically, the migraine headache is a neurological condition more common to women than to men.
The typical migraine headache is unilateral and pulsating, lasting from 4 to 72 hours symptoms include nausea ,vomiting , photophobia(increased sensitivity to light), and photophobia(increased sensitivity to sound). Approximately one-third of people who suffer migraine headache perceive an aura—unusual visual, olfactory, or other sensory experiences that are a sign that the migraine will soon occur.
Have you been in a situation where you have chronic headache been in the same situation for a very long time extremely severe migraines, and then almost constant aura/headache in between.
Constantly have a headache that lessens and gets worse. Have tried dozens of medications, changed your diet, had MRI's, oxygen therapy name it and still yet the problem persist.
Have you tried using medications such as imitrex and cafergot etc, but it limits the worst pain but seemed to prolong the actual migraine. Tried MRI’ and took tons of supplements etc.

Are you like most people struggling to be free of migraine headaches or everyday headache pain, you've probably tried everything: prescription drugs, painkillers, heating pads, icepacks, herbs and many other methods that get you nowhere. You're weary of your migraine symptoms and headache pain, and you're sick of waiting around for common remedies to take effect when all you want to do is just stop hurting.

The most frustrating aspect is that there are so many so called cure out there but you lack the idea of which one will really work

Other migraine causes include changes in routine, such as late rising on a holiday or change of working hours; changes in climate, high winds, loud or high-pitched sounds; bright sunlight or bright artificial light; and prolonged stating at television, movie, or computer screens. Hormonal fluctuations of your menstrual cycle in case you are a woman Keep these in mind or better still put in a diary.
Symptoms of migraine headache
The prodrome which occurs hours or days before the headache.
The aura, which immediately precedes the headache.
The pain phase, also known as headache phase.
The postdrome.

What could help
A few diet things may help. Even taken water almost continuously may make things a little better. Garlic, as discovered isn't great for some people and also smoking cigarettes makes things considerably worse but note in certain periods have been really important.Acupuncture and regular massages helped a huge amount.This is not a quick fix, it could dramatically changed migraines and bring about radical changes.
Stop taking all medications

What if there was a way for you to make your Migraine Headache go instantly in Minutes and your Headache in Seconds?Well, there IS a way and you can learn about it

If you're like most people struggling to be free of migraine headaches or everyday headache pain, you've probably tried everything: prescription drugs, painkillers, heating pads, icepacks, herbs and many other methods that get you nowhere. You're weary of your migraine symptoms and headache pain, and you're sick of waiting around for common remedies to take effect when all you want to do is just stop hurting. TRY THIS

Worse yet, with so many so-called "cures" saturating the market, it's very hard to figure out which one is really "THE one" that will actually work -- very frustrating.
I now want to share very powerful, and proven, solutions to the pain from your migraines and headaches with you.

Instant Headache and Migraine Relief
Stop migraines in 5 minutes, headaches & hangovers in 90 seconds with natural
yet powerful pain relief method by expert Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz. Online streaming
video treatments available for immediate use. Author Jack Canfield calls it “unbelievable”.

Why are these techniques so successful?
Unlike most traditional pain-relief approaches that involve drugs, this method will give you instant migraines and headaches relief without you having to take anything and with absolutely no side-effects. It's complete headache relief without a "down side". To put it simply, your pain will end within minutes -- you'll even avoid the waiting for medications to take effect.

Avoid the Complications and dangers of taking drugs
It's actually saddening and frightening but true that over 106,000 Americans are dying every year from the side effects of taking a legitimate prescription from their doctor for drugs. Just think... in 10 years that’s over one million people dying. And not a single person knew which pill was going to be their last one forever. Simply put, the more you can avoid prescription drugs as your first line of defense, the better off you will be. This method provides a safe way to stop your suffering just by pressing with your fingers and thumb.

Halt pains'll be able to do this technique anywhere, anytime and anyplace. No more having to dragging yourself out of the house to the drug store when you are in the middle of an excruciating migraine or headache.

Since you'll be using your fingers, you won't have to get another expensive prescription filled or pay for over-the-counter headache relief remedies ever again-- this method is invaluable, and once you’ve learned it, you have it for a lifetime!

This techniques have been proven repeatedly to end suffering for literally tens of thousands of people -- I know these techniques WILL work for you too!

End your suffering faster than you ever thought possible -- Migraine headaches are literally GONE in five minutes - common headache relief in 90 seconds! You DON'T have to wait to get rid of the pain!
As one client has experienced for 20 years, the techniques you'll learn here will relieve pain for your whole life - this method doesn't wear off like a pill, you'll always have the power to stop your pain when the need arises. You can do this for yourself, or use it on friends and loved ones.

Migraine and Headache Relief by Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz

Author Jack Canfield, “Chicken Soup for the Soul”, calls these techniques “unbelievable”.
Instant relief for migraines, headaches, hangovers, sinus colds, stiff neck
and sore shoulders. Online streaming video treatments available for immediate